Squirrel Removal

Kick Squirrels Out and Keep Them Out

Kick Squirrels Out and Keep Them Out

Schedule our squirrel removal services in the West Bloomfield, Ann Arbor or Farmington, MI area

Have you tried to get rid of the squirrels in your house, only for them to return next year or even earlier? Advance Wildlife Specialist can help you get rid of them for good. We'll provide squirrel removal services in the West Bloomfield, Ann Arbor & Farmington, MI area.

After removing every squirrel from your building with humane traps, we'll:

  • Remove their nest and other debris
  • Find their entrances to your building
  • Install exclusion doors and seals

These squirrel control measures will keep even the most determined squirrels from getting back into your building. To schedule squirrel control services, call (734) 957-4350 now.

Our company won't turn down a difficult job

While some pros might back away from a hard squirrel removal project, we won't. We're so confident that we can handle any job, drawing from years of experience, that we'll provide a five-year or lifetime warranty. Contact our crew today to enjoy a squirrel free home.